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Antes de instalar un techo verde, considere la inversión inicial en construcción, el costo de mantenimiento, el retorno de la inversión y las opciones de financiamiento, incluidas las subvenciones e incentivos fiscales proporcionados por la ciudad de Nueva York y otras entidades.

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Green Roof Tax AbatemenT

A New York City property tax abatement is available for property owners who install a green roof on their buildings. The current program runs through June 30, 2024, and offers $5.23 per square foot of green roof installed in most parts of the City and $15 per square foot in Priority Community Districts.

The City established Priority Districts based on the need for stormwater management and urban heat island reduction benefits that green roofs can offer. The potential for stormwater management benefits was based on the percent of land area within a Combined Sewer Overflow Priority Area designated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection. The potential for urban heat island reduction was based on the Heat Vulnerability Index developed by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, characterizing the risk of heat-related mortality based on a suite of socioeconomic and environmental factors.


Use the map below to see what tax abatement rate applies to your Community District, and click on the magnifying glass to enter a specific address.

Learn more about installing a green roof. The map is best viewed on a non-mobile device, View the map in a separate window.

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Tours por los tejados verdes

Los recorridos pueden verse afectados por COVID 19

Centro de convenciones Javits K. Javits

Regístrese para los recorridos en el Centro de convenciones Javits K. Javits : los recorridos son gratuitos, pero los lugares son limitados y están disponibles por orden de llegada.

Kingsland Wildflowers en Broadway Stages

Kingsland Wildflowers en Broadway Stages organiza visitas de grupos escolares y una variedad de eventos abiertos al público durante la temporada de crecimiento.

Brooklyn Grange

La granja en la azotea de Long Island City de Brooklyn Grange tiene recorridos estacionales y organiza eventos y talleres que atienden a los neoyorquinos interesados ​​en la sostenibilidad, la conexión con la naturaleza y la agricultura local.

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